Welcome to my website, have a look around!

Hey, my name is Ira! I'm a 15 year old computer addicted bug with a keen interest in music and cybersec. Thanks for visiting my site!
11/15/24 - I abandoned this site
I no longer will be using toxicbeings.neocities.org
Lowky, too much work. Feel free to steal my code though. I posted the link in certain discord servers :D
- Ira
10/23/24 - Updated the Blog + life updates
new color scheme, theme and updates!
I figure that this site deserves more attention, so im gonna definitely work on it more. If I end up getting more traction here im gonna make more sections and easter eggs for you guys! Anyways, bye! (Below is a old pic of the site I had saved)
- Ira
10/14/24 - Page is live!
I just finished, it was long hard work. It was worth it though! If im being honest, alot of this is skidded. It still has alot of heart and soul put into it though! I love all of you iofsdgjoiwerjoigjgoisjgoeirj